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Why You Need Our Case Discussion Template

Efficient Case Preparation

Uploading case details before the meetings saves time and allows more in-depth clinical reasoning and discussion.

Structured Storytelling

Populating the template offers a framework to ensures all key information is included. Helps you organise your case notes too!

Professional Development

Sharing your work sharpens communications skills and listening to peers discus your case improves your treatment planning skills.

About the Case Discussion Template

Virtual Therapist Clinics are an opportunity to discuss your cases with experienced Colleagues and an Instructor. Uploading details prior to the meeting allows everyone to review the case which makes the meeting time more effective and useful for all.   Our Case Discussion Template is designed to streamline our Virtual Therapist meetings. It helps you capture essential case details in a structured format to upload before or during meetings. Using our template will save meeting time and help develop your case reporting skills.

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Why use a template

With this template, you can efficiently prepare for meetings, improve your storytelling skills, and elevate your clinical reasoning. Let's transform the way we approach case reporting together!

Streamline your case reporting process

Use this form to record all relevant details and upload them to the Virtual Therapist Community.

Transform the way you approach case reporting

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